Aligned and Well

Is walking really just “controlled falling”? If someone can touch their toes, does it mean their hamstrings are flexible? Can a person really be “hypermobile”? aboutimg1aboutimg2 In 2003, biomechanics graduate student Katy Bowman began presenting small talks on questions such as these for fellow students, colleagues, and her professors in the Kinesiology department—noting how, in many cases, basic terms and principles of human biology and movement science were being used erroneously. Gaining a reputation for clear communication of scientific ideas, Bowman began presenting to larger and larger groups, eventually involving a systematic approach to physical assessment into the discussion. This collection of assessment, explanation, and correctives to improve assessment results became the Restorative Exercise™ (RE) system. Based on an evolutionary model, the underlying premise of RE simply states that all-over muscle use is a requirement of human health and is not optional. The amount of movement required for modern living is very low compared to the quantities of movement needed historically and, void of specific mechanical stimulation, our cells begin to behave erratically, resulting in injury and disease.about-3 The Institute has been the outlet for corrective exercises in both movement and thinking—especially reframing ideas about “what is natural for the body” for those without in-depth understanding of mechanobiology. Since 2003, the Restorative Exercise Institute has served Ventura County’s private and medical communities by offering science-based, educational and movement programs as well as private and group sessions. Following a large word-of-mouth surge, out-of-city, out-of-state, and finally international populations were looking to take courses from the Institute. In 2011, the Institute moved “online”—with recorded courses and classes taught by director Katy Bowman—to meet the educational demand of students world-wide. Restorative Exercise™ senior-level instructors travel regularly for live trainings and live Restorative Exercise™ classes can be found world-wide, at the facilities of our graduates.