Pilates Day 2013!

How are you celebrating Pilates Day?

Each year, the first Saturday in May is "Pilates Day!"

The organization, Pilates Method Alliance® or PMA® created this day to honor the work of Joseph Pilates. It is a day dedicated to increase awareness of the many benefits that Pilates brings to every age group. It is a day to promote healthy living. This year it is Saturday May 4th.

Several studios throughout the world celebrate by offering complimentary classes to bring together those that already take Pilates and to those that have never taken Pilates. The PMA is also featuring the groundbreaking exercise initiative ‘Pilates Youth Program’ this year.

Check out your local studios and see what they have going on. It's a great time and for a good cause! Some studios may have complimentary classes but with the option for donations to a particular organization they may be supporting. Last year, we here at Balanced Physical Therapy, Pilates and Wellness in Glendale, AZ (USA) raised funds for a beautiful young girl Emma, battling cancer and needing funds for a brace to support her while walking. Our Pilates community raised $1,200!

Share your events and ideas about Pilates day here.... I'm curiuos as to what/how everyone is planning to celebrate Pilates!

1 decade ago
Grand Opening of Pukka Pilates! by Amanda Fletcher
Come Celebrate Pilates Day at the Grand Opening of Pukka Pilates in Scripps Ranch, San Diego, CA! From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., free mat classes at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., equipment demonstrations at 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., cool giveaways and great discounts!!
